Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bleach 91

So Ishida is back into the fray in this episode. Ichigo goes Bankai after a little chat with his inner Zangetsu and has another in a long line of pointless fights with the Bounto. What ultimately becomes of the story is a shift back to soul society which to me reeks of non manga material. How many episodes are they going to make of this arc if they are taking it back to Soul Society again? It was nice to see the group back togther including Ishida who was one of my personal favourite charcters back when Bleach was good. His new outfit looks rubbish though, not a touch on his handmade cape and I dont like the way they cant decide whether or not Ishida has some/all or none of his powers back now. This plotline completely ruins Ishida's power regaining plotline from the manga, one which I was really looking forward to seeing on screen.

There is a funny bit in the episode where Ichigo is talking to himself about his sword and walking away from Kariya. Kariya overhears ichigo saying Zangetsu and he repeats it, something to the effect of "Zangetsu, so that's your swords name?". To which Ichigo keeps walking a few steps, pauses and grumbles, "Shut up". Its kind of how I felt about the Bounto too, just stop talking rubbish and get killed already.

So the end of this episode, no preview strangely, leaves us in Soul Society where the Bounto, now feeding off the abundant spirit energy crusie across the sky with the intention of doing something to someone and then.... oh who cares....


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